Our dinosaur for hire has been just that, hired; a lot! He set off on a road trip 3 weeks ago and he’s only just got back. Our T Rex has worked for 17 days out of the last 19 and in his own words he’s now a sleepisaurus!
Rex’s adventure started in London where he was invited to a wedding. Can you imagine the faces of the guests as a life size baby T Rex appeared at the wedding party? We have to take our hats off to the bride and groom, there are a lot of people who wouldn’t even consider having a dinosaur take the limelight from them on their big day, but these two did and by all accounts Rex went down a storm!
After the London wedding party, he was straight in the van and off to Nottinghamshire to the Wheelgate Adventure Park. He spent the whole of the Easter holidays meeting and greeting his adoring public – well he was actually there to promote the park, but that’s not the way Rex sees it, he only really goes for the superstar status he’s rapidly earning!
Next he was off to the Birmingham NEC to appear at The Gadget Show Live. For this event the exhibition centre was full to the brim with everything new and exciting in the world of technology. Gadget crazy people travel from all over the country get themselves ahead of the game with the latest must-have items. So why, you may ask, would a show that's dedicated to innovation and creation want to hire a dinosaur?
It was time for T Rex to meet the tech heads!
Three times each day during the length of the exhibition, the presenters of the show, Ortis Deley, Jason Bradbury, Jon Bentley, & Amy Williams (more about her later) demonstrate the latest amazing piece of technology; hover-boards featured heavily this year, there was even a hover board light show performed by a group called Feeding The Fish. Members of the audience were treated to freebie gifts and some really lucky ones managed to get themselves invited on to the stage to interact with the presenters.
And this is where our T Rex Dinosaur came in. The participants were treated to another world, an alternative dimension; they were taken, via a virtual reality helmet, goggles and headphones, into the depths of the ocean. They were able to swim with whales, manta-rays and stingrays, they were lulled into a state of complete calm by their presence in this other, fantastic underwater experience – until it was time to take the headset off. Only to be face to face with……. yes you’ve guessed it an 8 foot tall, 17 foot long dinosaur, with the loudest roar you can imagine – especially through the Super-Theatre PA system at the NEC! According to Rex the reactions from the victims, ooops we meant participants, varied from a small squeak to a full on scream. One woman dropped the gear and ran off the stage as fast as she could. If it was possible for a dinosaur to hold his stomach and cry laughing, then ours would have been.

All in all, despite the fact that he’s had a hard couple of weeks or so, he’s also met some wonderful people and made some new mates. Ewon Harding from St Ives in Cornwall had volunteered to be Rex’s handler for the entire length of the Gadget Show, they became the best of mates, and then there’s Amy Williams who Rex developed a massive, dinosaur sized crush on! (Have you ever seen a dinosaur blush?!)
Anyway, it’s time for our Dinosaur to get back to work so wherever you are in the UK and whatever event you may be having, a wedding in Wolverhampton, a party in Plymouth, a fete in Farnborough, or a Corporate Event in Cambridge give us a call and we’ll organise our love-sick dinosaur to be there!